Saturday, January 29, 2005

On making eco-friendly cleaning products

On making eco-friendly cleaning products |
By Umbra Fisk |
Grist Magazine | Ask Umbra | 24 Jan 2005
: "I'd like to start making my own environmentally friendly cleaning products for my home. Are there any books or websites you would recommend for cleaning 'recipes'?"

"You'll be disappointed if you were expecting elaborate, paella-like recipes to replace the commercial products we're told are essential to germ-free living. Turns out the steel wool has been pulled over our eyes. Without even turning to my research stacks, I can tell you that all homebrew cleaning recipes invoke four simple ingredients: white vinegar, castile soap, baking soda, and water. [...]"

my note: I can also vouch for the value of vinegar in cleaning, which has shown to disinfect as well as, if not better than, bleach. Because it disinfects by causing a hostile living environment (ph) rather than killing, vinegar doesn't cause antibacterial immunity problems among bacterial flora. Aside from protecting the water supply and not contributing to the chemical industry, we also use it in our home because bleach is the leading cause of calls to poison control. If my kids get a hold of the vinegar, nothing bad happens. And as to her floors comment: black tea (because of its tannins) finishes floors better than any chemical.


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